The Simple Mirror Will – Should it be that Simple?

When I meet with my clients to discuss their Wills, I ask ‘how do you see your Will working?’ or ‘What do you want to happen?’

Most will respond with ‘we want everything to go to one another, and then on to the children when we both die’.

This is the classic Simple Mirror Will… Though it is seemingly popular, and it is the first Will Structure that will spring to mind during our initial chats – it may surprise you that I don’t do many Simple Wills.

Clients frequently express concern about the following:

  • What would happen if one of us go into care?
  • What about children from a previous relationship? How can I guarantee their inheritance?
  • What if the survivor remarries? Will the new spouse inherit from me too?

If like many of my clients, you are concerned with any of the above then a Simple Will may not be the best option.

A conversation about Wills is the starting point of making sure that your lifetime wealth is protected in the right way for the right people. This may involve using a Trust in your Will.

Asset Protection -v- Protecting You

We want to strike a balance between protecting you and the next generation. This is what a trust can do, and this is what we are here to help you with at Celtic Law Ltd.

The right Will for you depends on your goals and where you are in life – and we can help you work that out.

We are specialists in making Wills, and we love to talk about them! The conversation doesn’t need to be difficult or morbid. The discussion is to make sure you are aware of the options available to you so that you make an informed decision about what Will suits you right now so that you can plan for the future.

We would love to hear from you if you want to know more – please get in touch:

01352 860 890